The correct way to say it is “格好良い(kakko-ii)”
“格好(kakko)” means appearance. “良い(ii)” is good.
It can also be used about behaviour or action , not only appearance or looking.
It’s a word that boys often use, but girls also often use it.
for example
※At the clothing store
どうこれ?(dou kore?)
じゃあ、これにするわ(jaa, kore ni suru wa)
AJ(nobu) ; (how this?)how is it?
yaki-onigiri ;cool
AJ(nobu) ; (so, this do)so,I’ll choose it.
This sentence is a typical subjectless sentence. The word “I” is hidden. Also, the word “do” has various meanings.
きsounds “ki” ; kitsui
きつい(ki tsu i)
means “harad”
“〇〇い” is a sybol of adjective.
The original meaning is “tight”.
However, it is now used in various situations.
When you are not feeling well. When you are in crisis. When you feel that something is unacceptable.
Well, let’s use it when something is not good.
for example
明日、いける?(ashita ikeru?)
ちょい、きついわ(choi kitsui wa)
AJ(nobu) ; tomorrow, can you? (do you have a time tomorrow?)
yaki-onigiri ;a liitle hard (It’s a liitle difficult to make a time)
※ちょい(choi)・・・short version of ちょっと(chotto)= a little
くsounds “ku” ; kuu
食う・くう(ku u)
A little rude way to say “eat”. However, it is a word that many people commonly use.
On the contrary, there is also the polite way of saying.”いただく(i ta da ku)”It’s famous to say “いただきます(i ta da ki ma su)” before eating.
Even if they are gangsters or yakuza, they say that they will put their hands together before eating.
夜、何食う?(yoru nani kuu?)
おにぎり が いいな (onigiri ga iina)
AJ(nobu) ; naight what eat?(what shawll we eat for dinner?)
yaki-onigiri ; onigiri good(I’d like to eat onigiri)
けsounds “ke” ; kekkou
けっこう (ke kko u)
This is the most difficult word to explain. It is a word that expresses the degree.
like “pretty”. It is an image of about 60% to 70%.
It includes the nuance that it is more than I expected.
※at restaurant
これ、どうよ?(kore dou yo?)
けっこううまいよ(kekkou umaiyo)
AJ(nobu) ; this how? (how is this ?)
yaki-onigiri ;pretty tasty (It’s good, not so bad , better than I expected)
こsounds “ko” ; kon!
こん(ko n)
This is a short version of “こんにちわ(konnichiwa)” asa hello.
It is often used in the online world.
As I said in the last article about “おつ( o tsu )”, omitting the greeting in two letters is a youth culture for the past five years, so it may not be familiar to adults.